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Dołączył: 26 Sty 2009
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Wysłany: Wto 14:09, 27 Sty 2009 Temat postu: Muj tekst o Zenie :) |
chce wam pokazac moja tworczosc ale to tylko robilem zeby przetestowc IVONA (demo xd) Za zgoda Zena daje :
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Dołączył: 24 Sty 2009
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Wysłany: Wto 14:26, 27 Sty 2009 Temat postu: |
Ja jestem taki wspaniały ludzie ;d ! tak apropo musze do ciebie shoook przyjsc i cos wymyslimy o mardoku xD
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Dołączył: 26 Sty 2009
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Wysłany: Wto 22:10, 27 Sty 2009 Temat postu: |
Mi o lotto ale musze se sciagnac znowu bo foramt xD ale zrobimy takiego co trwa 5 min ^^
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Dołączył: 21 Sty 2011
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Wysłany: Wto 9:00, 25 Sty 2011 Temat postu: |
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Wysłany: Śro 12:20, 02 Lut 2011 Temat postu: |
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“唉~这个比前一个还远。”样,“东坡肉”也一代一代地传下来,东坡肉是1956年浙江省认定的36种杭州名菜之一,直到今天,还是杭州的一道名菜。传说三 北宋时期,庐山归宗寺的佛印巨匠与苏东坡、黄庭坚乃莫逆之交,交往频繁,酬唱甚多。苏东坡常游庐山,在佛印之里一住就是半月。有一天,苏东坡正在书房改诗,突然扑来一陈异香。东坡顺着香味寻去远远地看见佛印端起肉正要进行品尝,猛然一把捉住他,这可把佛印吓了一大跳,回首一看是东坡,才放下心来,并领着东坡进入卧室,痛畅快快地喝酒吃肉。东坡觉 得佛印烧的肉特别可口,夸奖不已,常找佛印烧肉吃。佛印就罗唆把他的烧肉方法传给了东坡。后来东坡又能把这个方法公之于众,于是社会上都仿效起来,从而使得东坡肉成为流传普遍的一道名菜。传说四 苏东坡三做“东坡肉” 相传苏东坡在徐州、黄州、杭州三个地方做过“东坡肉”。在任徐州知州时率领百姓抗洪筑堤保城,百姓纷纷杀猪宰羊上府慰劳,东坡推辞不掉,收下后亲自指点家人烧制红烧肉回赠送老百姓。大家食后,都觉得此肉肥而不腻、酥香味美,一致称它为“回赠肉”。 元丰三年(1080)二月一日,苏轼被谪贬到黄州,见黄州市道猪肉价贱,而人们不大吃它,便亲自烹调猪肉。有一次他食得崛起,即兴作了一首打油诗名曰《食猪肉诗》,诗中写道:“黄州好
原料:五花肉600克、八角2个、香菜1棵 辅料:绍兴酒1瓶、酱油3大匙、冰糖1大匙 做法: 1、将五花肉切四方块,先汆烫过,接着抹上酱油,再用热油炸上色,捞出破刻用冷水冲凉。 2、肉块排放在锅内,加入八角及所有调味料烧开,改小火烧至肉块熟烂,约1小时。 3、待汤汁收至稍干时撒上香菜末,即可关火夹出食用。 留神: 1、用酒代替水烧肉,不但去除腥味,而且能使肉质酥软;炸过再烧的目的是彻底去除油腻。 2、五花肉的肉质瘦而不柴、肥而不腻,以肉层不脱落的部位为佳。菜谱三 制作工艺 1. 将猪肉刮净皮上余毛,洗净后放入沸水锅汆约3~5 分钟,煮出血水,捞出切成20 个小方块; 2. 取大沙锅1 只,用小竹架垫底,铺上葱、姜块(去皮拍松),将猪肉皮朝下排放在葱、姜上,加入糖、酱油、黄酒,再放入葱结,加盖用旺火烧沸;
概述菜品特点菜谱一菜谱二菜谱三菜谱四菜谱五菜谱六菜谱七菜谱八相关典故菜品由来发展阶段创制于徐州完善于黄州名扬于杭州相关传说综述传说一传说二传说三传说四备注 概述 相传为北宋诗人苏东坡(四川眉山人)所创制。东坡肉的最早发祥地,是湖北黄冈。1080年苏东坡谪居黄冈,因当地猪多肉贱,才想出这种吃肉的方法。宋代人周紫芝,在《竹坡诗话》中记载:“东坡性喜嗜猪,在黄冈时,尝戏作《食猪肉诗》云:‘慢着火,少着水,火候足时他自美。每日起来打一碗,饱得自家君莫管。’”后来,1085年苏东坡从黄州复出,常常州、登州任上返回都城开封,在朝廷里任职,没过多久,受排斥,1089年请求调往杭州任太守,这才将黄州烧肉的经验发展成东坡肉这道菜肴。作为汉族佳肴,后风行于江浙。菜品特点
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那时西湖已被葑草湮没了大半。他上任后,发动数万民工除葑田,疏湖港,把挖起来的泥堆筑了长堤,并建桥以畅通湖水,使西湖秀容重现,又可蓄水灌田。这条堆筑的长堤,改良了环境,既为大众带来水利之益,又增加了西湖景色。后来构成了被列为西湖十景之首的“苏堤春晓”。 当时,老百姓赞扬苏东坡为处所办了这件好事,据说他爱好吃红烧肉,到了春节,都不谋而合地给他送猪肉,来表现自己的情意。苏东坡收到那么多的猪肉,感到应当同数万疏浚西湖的民工共享才对,就叫家人把肉切成方块块,用他的烹调办法烧制,连酒一起,按照民工花名册分送到每家每户。他的家人在烧制时,把“连酒一起送”懂得成“连酒一起烧”成果烧制出来的红烧肉,更加香酥味美,食者盛赞苏东坡送来的肉烧法别致,可口好吃。众口赞赏,趣闻传开,当时向苏东坡求师就教的人中,除了来学书法的、学写文章的外,也有人来学烧“东坡肉”。后农历大年节夜,民间家家户户都制造东坡肉。相沿成俗,用来表示对他的悼念之情。当初成为杭州一道传统名菜。楼外楼菜馆效法他的方式烹制这个菜,供给于世,并在实际中精益求精,遂流传至今。菜品由来 苏轼是我国北宋时期有名的大文学家。他岂但对诗文、书法成就很深,而且堪称我国古代美食家,对烹调菜肴亦很有研讨,尤其善于制作红烧肉。 回赠肉便是苏轼在徐州期间创制的红烧肉,宋神宗熙宁十年四月,苏轼赴任徐州知州。七月七日,黄河在澶州曹村埽一带决口,至八月二十一日洪水围困徐州,水位竟高达二丈八尺。苏轼以身卒之,亲荷畚插,带领禁军武卫营,和全城百姓抗洪筑堤保城。经由七十多个日夜的艰苦奋战,终于保住了徐州城。 全城百姓无不欢喜鼓励,他们为感谢这位引导有方,与徐州人民同呼吸、共存亡的好知州,纷纭杀猪宰羊,担酒携菜上府慰劳。苏轼推脱不掉,收下后亲自指导家人制成红烧肉,又回赠给参加抗洪的百姓。百姓食后,都觉得此肉肥而不腻、酥香味美,一致称他为“回赠肉”。尔后,“回赠肉”就在徐州一带流传,并成徐州传统名菜。这在《徐州文史资料》、《徐州风物志》、《徐州古今名馔》中都有记述。 元丰三年仲春一日,苏轼被贬到黄州任团练副使。他自己开荒种地,便把此地号称“东坡居士”。这就是“苏东坡”的由来。在黄州期间,他亲主动手烹饪红烧肉并将教训写入《食猪肉诗》中。苏轼在徐州及黄州时烹制的红烧肉,只是在当地有影响,在全国并没有多大名气。真正叫得响并闻名全国的红烧肉,是苏轼第二次在杭州时的“东坡肉”。 宋哲宗元(礻右)四年七月三日,苏轼来到阔别十五年的杭州任知州。元(礻右)五年五、六月间,浙西一带大雨不止,太湖泛滥,庄稼大片被淹。因为苏轼及早采用有效办法,使浙西一带的国民渡过了最难题的时代。他组织民工疏浚西湖,筑堤建桥,使西湖旧貌变新颜。杭州的老百姓很感谢苏轼做的这件好事,人人都夸他是个贤明的父母官。听说他在徐州、黄州时最喜欢吃猪肉,于是到过年的时候,大家就抬猪担酒来给他拜年。苏轼收到后,便指点家人将肉切成方块,烧得红酥酥的,然后分送给参加疏通西湖的民工们吃,大家吃后无不称奇,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych],把他送来的肉都亲热地称为“东坡肉”。 追本穷源,苏轼的这种红烧肉最早在徐州的创制,在黄州时得到进一步提高,在杭州时著名全国。[1]发展阶段创制于徐州 回赠肉是苏轼在徐州期间创制的红烧肉。宋神宗熙宁十年(公元 1077年)四月,苏轼赴任徐州知州。8月21日,黄河在潭州曹村决口,洪水围困徐州。苏轼以身卒之,亲荷畚锸,率领军民抗洪筑堤保城。经过七十多个昼夜的艰难奋战,终于保住了徐州城。全城的男女为感谢与他们同呼吸、共存亡的好知州,纷纷杀猪宰羊,担酒携菜上府慰问。苏轼推辞不掉,收下后亲自指点家人制成红烧肉,又回赠给参加抗洪的百姓。百姓吃后,都认为此肉肥而不腻、酥香味美,一致称颂,称它为“回赠肉”从此,它就在徐州一带流传,并成为徐州传统名菜。这在《徐州文史材料》、《徐州风物志》、《徐州古今名馔》中都有记述。完擅长黄州 元丰三年(公元1080年) 2月1日,苏轼被贬到黄州任团练副使。苏轼的友人马正卿为他请得位于黄州东坡的旧营地,于是他在此开荒种地,自号“东坡居士”。在黄州期间,他亲身制作红烧肉并写下《猪肉颂》诗:“黄州好猪肉,价贱如粪土。富者不肯吃,贫者不解煮。慢著火,少著水,火候足时它自美。逐日早来打一碗,饱得自家君莫管。”苏轼在徐州、黄州制作的红烧肉,并不多大名气。真正叫得响的红烧肉,是苏轼第二次在杭州时的“东坡肉”。名扬于杭州 宋哲宗元�四年(公元1089年) 1月3日,苏轼又来到远离15年的杭州任知州。元�五年五六月间,浙西一带大雨不止,太湖泛溢,庄稼大片被淹。因为苏轼及早采取有效措施,使浙西一带的人民又度过了最艰苦的时期。他又组织民工疏浚西湖,筑堤建桥,使西湖旧貌变新颜。杭州的老百姓很感谢苏东坡做的这件好事,听说他在徐州及黄州时最喜欢吃红烧肉,于是很多人上门送猪肉。苏东坡收到后,便指点家人将肉切成方块,然后烧制成熟肉,分送给加入疏浚西湖的民工们吃。他送来的红烧肉,民工们都亲切地称为“东坡肉”。当时,杭州有家大菜馆的老板,听说人们都夸“东坡肉”好吃,也按照苏东坡的方法烧制,挂牌写上“东坡肉”出卖。这道新菜一应市,那家菜馆的生意很快兴旺起来,宾至如归。一时光,杭州不管大小菜馆都有“东坡肉”。后来,杭州厨师们公议,把“东坡肉”定为杭州第一道名菜,流传至今。 追本穷源,苏轼的这种红烧肉最早在徐州时创制,在黄州时得到进一步进步,在杭州时驰名全国。故此,《徐州市饮食行业志》写道:“‘东坡肉’创制于徐州,完善于黄州,名扬于杭州。”相关传说综述 相传系苏东坡被贬於杭州时,在贫苦的生涯中,仿造前人的做法改进,将烧猪肉加酒做成红烧肉小火慢煨而成。此菜在黄州发动,后传至南宋首府杭州,发挥光大,遂成杭州名菜。 在赣北的永修(江西省九江市永修县)一带,每逢酒席宴会,首先是两大碗和菜,象征和气相处。随后上桌的就是两大碗用稻草扎着的大块猪肉。丰富的酒宴上摆着这样的两碗猪肉,倒显得别有风味, 拿起剪刀,剪断稻草,再仔细地品尝品味,肉色清清新爽,进口香酥绵糯。肉香味中还搀杂着一股稻草的清香味,沁人心脾,确切是余味无限。这种肉就叫“东坡肉”。为什么这道菜称为“东坡肉”呢?有这样一个传说。传说一
猪肉,价贱如粪土。富者不肯吃,贫者不解煮。慢着火,少着水,火候足时它自美。每日早来打一碗,饱得自家君莫管。”此诗一传十,十传百,人们开端争相仿制,并把这道菜戏称为“东坡肉”。 苏东坡二任杭州知州时,组织民工疏浚西湖,筑堤建桥,使葑草湮没大半的西湖从新恢复昔日美景,杭州的老百姓十分感谢他,过年时,大家就抬猪担酒来给他拜年。苏东坡收到后,便指点家人将肉切成方块,烧得红酥醇香分送给参加疏浚西湖的民工们吃,大家吃后无不赞美称奇,于是“东坡肉”的美名更传遍了全国。备注 东坡肉据考是为留念东坡所做,并不是苏东坡自己所创制。 东坡肉的原型是徐州回赠肉, 为徐州“东坡四珍”之一。 寻根究底,“东坡肉”最早在徐州创制,《徐州古今名馔》记录,苏轼任徐州知州时,黄河决口,苏轼一马当先,和全城百姓筑堤保城。徐州人民杀猪宰羊,上府慰劳,苏轼推辞不掉,便指点家人烧成红烧肉回赠给老百姓,百姓食后,都觉得肥而不腻、酥香味美,便称之为“回赠肉”。苏轼贬谪黄州时,作有煮肉歌:“黄州好猪肉,价贱如粪土。富者不肯吃,贫者不解煮。慢著火,少著水,火候足时它自美。[2] 北宋神宗熙宁十年(1077年)秋,黄河决口,七十余日大水未退。徐州知州苏轼亲率全城吏民抗洪,终于克服洪水,并于次年修筑“苏堤”。百姓感谢苏东坡为民造福,纷纷杀猪宰羊,担酒携菜送至州府感谢苏公。苏公推辞不掉,将这些肉加工成熟后再回赠百姓。 苏东坡的烹肉之法在其《炖肉歌》中可见奇妙:“慢着火、少着水,柴火罨焰烟不起,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych],待它自熟莫催它,火候足时它自美。”“回赠肉”的特点是鲜香醇厚,油而不腻。苏东坡在徐州留下了四道名菜,除回赠肉外还有金蟾戏珠、五关鸡、醉青虾、后人将这四道菜称之为“东坡四珍”。 现在在徐州街头的各家饭庄,您依然可领略到东坡肉带给你的回味无穷的满口醇香。[3] 词条图册更多图册 暗藏 浙江菜谱 首字母索引: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 荤菜 红枣烧肉 蜜汁火方 猴头四宝 红焖麻雀 烤兔肉 虎皮肉 山楂肉干 东坡肉 叉烧鸭 炸鸡椒 炒四宝 素菜 熘土豆丝 辣汁茄丝 炒二冬 冬瓜盅 麻辣冬瓜 素脆鳝 炒茄丝 炝油菜 蛋松 海鲜 五味煎蟹 红烧划水 炸鱼卷 龙井虾仁 五色鱼丁 蟹镶橙 西湖醋鱼 桂花鱼条 斩鱼圆 芪烧活鱼 炸鳝段 糟油青 麒麟桂鱼 炸虾饼 菊花鱼 吉列生蚝 汤 南瓜汤 主食 炒米粉 三鲜砂锅 粟米粥 鸡汁菜卷 参考资料 1
、小茴香、生姜、葱各适量。 制法: 将五花肉切成5厘米见方的块状,用新颖稻草以十字形把肉捆扎好,置于瓦罐内,参加适量清水,盐类、酱油、料酒、白糖产、并用八角茴香、丁香、桂皮、小茴香、生姜、葱等制成五香料包投入,然后封口,先用大火烧开,再改用小火焖红二小时。装碗上桌后,用剪刀将稻草剪断即成。 特点: 色泽红亮,瘦肉香而醇,肥肉油而不腻,稻香浓烈。菜谱六 主料:五花肉 辅料:香葱、姜 调料:盐、味精、白糖、酱油、绍酒 烹制方法: 1、将五花肉整块下锅,煮开后捞出,用净水冲掉杂质,改刀切成大小雷同的方块; 2、将砂锅中铺入一块镂空竹片,香葱铺底,码放上姜片,再将肉块皮朝下码放整洁,倒入适量绍酒、酱油、白糖,大火烧开转小火,炖至一小时左右时,将肉块翻面再持续炖制半小时,撇去过剩油汤; 3、将炖好的肉块取出放入小砂锅中,浇入肉汤,上锅再蒸半小时即可。 特色:色泽红润,肥而不腻,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]。菜谱七 资料:带皮五花肉1块约500克 绍兴黄酒400毫升 老抽2汤匙 生姜1块 大葱1段 香葱2根 冰糖50克 作法:1、锅内烧一锅沸水,将猪肉放入煮10分钟出血沫后捞出放凉,不烫手后将其切成5厘米见方的块状 2、将生姜去皮洗净后切片、大葱斜切成片、香葱切成段后打结 3、在沙锅内放入一个小竹架、然后在上面铺上姜片和葱片,再把切好的肉块皮朝下
开放分类: 美食,烹饪,菜谱 我来完美 “东坡肉”相干词条:
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杭州有家大菜馆,菜馆老板见人们都夸说“东坡肉”,就和厨师磋商,把猪肉切成方块,烧得红酥酥的;挂出牌子,也取名为“东坡肉”。 这只新菜一出,那家菜馆的生意就兴隆极了,从早到晚顾客一直,天天杀十头大猪还不够卖呢,别的菜馆老板看得眼红,也学着做起来,一时间,不论大小菜馆,家家都有“东坡肉”了。后来,经过同得公认,就把“东坡肉“定为杭州的第一道名菜。 苏东坡为人正派,不畏势力,朝廷中的那班奸臣原来就很恨他。这时见他得到老百姓的爱戴,心里更不舒畅。他们当中有一个御史,就乔装装束,到杭州来找岔子,居心要搭救苏东坡。 那御史到杭州的头一天,在一家馆里吃午饭。堂倌递上菜单,请他点菜。他接到菜单一看,头一样就是“东坡肉”!他皱起眉头,想了一想,不觉高兴得拍着桌子大叫:“我就要这头一道菜!”吃过“东坡肉”,觉得味道倒真是不错,向堂倌一探听,知道“东坡肉”是同行公认的第一道名菜,于是,他就把杭州所有的菜馆的菜单都收集起来,兴冲冲地回京去了。 御史回到京城,立刻就去见皇帝。他说:“皇上呀,苏东坡在杭州做刺史,贪赃枉法,把恶事都做绝啦!老百姓巴不得要吃他的肉。” 皇帝说:“你是怎么知道的?可有什么证据吗?” 御史就把那一大迭油腻的菜单呈了上去。天子一看菜单,就不分青红皂白,立即传下诏书,将苏东坡掉职,远远地发配到海南去充军。 苏东坡被调职充军后,杭州的老百姓忘不了他的好处,仍旧象从前一样赞扬他。就这
3. 再密封沙锅边缝,置文火上焖2 小时左右,启盖; 4. 将肉块翻身(皮朝上),继续加盖密封焖至酥熟; 5. 将沙锅端离火,启盖,将肉分装入特别的小陶罐中,撇去肉汁上的浮油; 6. 将汤汁分装入罐,加盖密封,用旺火蒸半小时左右至肉酥透即可。 工艺10cf5abalienatedd5889764de3f048045e456 1. 原料必需选用皮薄、肥瘦相间的新鲜猪肋条肉(以金华“两头乌”猪为最佳),经汆煮定型,再用直刀切成大小平均的方块(块的大小也可依据各人的喜好改刀); 2. 以酒代水(也可加少许水),调料必须一次加足,以凸起醇香的地方风味; 3. 焖蒸联合控制好火候,用旺火煮沸,小火焖酥,再用旺火蒸至酥透,才干到达肉酥烂而形不变,油润不腻入口香糯的要求。 食谱养分 猪肋条肉(五花肉):猪肉含有丰盛的优质蛋白质和必须的脂肪酸,并供给血红素(有机铁)和增进铁接收的半胱氨酸,能改善缺铁性贫血;存在补肾养血,滋阴润燥的功能;但由于猪肉中胆固醇含量偏高,故肥胖人群及血脂较高者不宜多食。 食谱相克 猪肋条肉(五花肉):猪肉不宜与乌梅、甘草、鲫鱼、虾、鸽肉、田螺、杏仁、驴肉、羊肝、香菜、团鱼、菱角、荞麦、鹌鹑肉、牛肉同食。菜谱四 原料:
[link widoczny dla zalogowanych] 东坡肉 百度贴吧
1、将猪五花肋肉刮洗清洁,切成10块正方形的肉块,放在沸水锅内煮5分钟取出洗净。 2、取大砂锅一只,用竹箅子垫底,先铺上葱,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych],放入姜块,再将猪肉皮面朝下整齐地排在上面,加入白糖、酱油、绍酒,最后加入葱结,盖上锅盖,用桃化纸围封砂锅边缝,置旺火上,烧开后加盖密封,用微火焖酥后,将近砂锅端离火口,撇去油,将肉皮面朝上装入特制的小陶罐中,加盖置于蒸笼内,用旺火蒸30分钟至肉酥透即成。 注意: 1、猪肉选以金华“两头乌”乌猪为佳。 2、100克葱其中50克打葱结。 风味特点: 薄皮嫩肉,色泽红亮,味醇汁浓,酥烂而形不碎,香糯而不腻口。 制作东坡肉所需材料(11张)菜谱二
[link widoczny dla zalogowanych] 杭州传统名菜
珠。苏东坡被这漂亮的大天然风景迷住了,他面临东窗,诗兴大作,正在赋诗填词,斟酌词句呢!农民在门口轻声问道:“先生,你看这肉怎么弄着吃?”东坡作诗着迷,口中朗朗念着:“禾――草――珍――珠――透心香。。。。”农夫听了一楞,先生这是什么意思?细心一揣摩:对了,他是叫我把肉和着稻草整煮,并要煮透心,那样吃才香,所以说:“和草整煮透心香”。这先生和咱们作田人真不一样,谈话启齿是诗,连吃肉都特殊。想到这里,农夫把肉拿到厨房,按苏东坡讲的和自己想的,叫老婆跟着稻草把猪肉整块地放在锅里闷煮,煮得透烂。 到吃饭时,菜端上桌来,苏东坡见一块整肉,没斫没切,还用稻草捆着,想来想去,不知什么起因。想问,又不好心思开口,要吃吗,一整块肉,稻草还捆在上头,不知如何着手。农夫见苏东坡望着肉走神,也挺奇异。就对苏东坡说:“早上我去问你,你不是说‘和草整煮透心香’吗?我是依照你的意思给弄的,先生怎么不吃呢?” 苏东坡豁然开朗。本来农夫把他的话给串起来了,断断续续的诗句,被他听成一句话。既然如斯,也只好顺坡下驴。于是叫剪开绳索同农夫一家高愉快兴地吃起来。真没想到猪肉掺杂着稻草香味,十分幽香可口。吃完饭,农夫夫妇出门去了。东坡想:主人如此盛情招待,打搅多少天了,非常过意不去。几回要走,主人都不肯,今天仍是走了吧。主张必定,从累赘里掏出五两纹银,放在桌子上,留下一张字条,上写着:“主人盛情难却,东坡不辞而别。”农夫夫妇回来,看见条子大吃一惊,原来救本人孩子的恩人竟是鼎鼎大名的苏东坡先生。 这事一传十,十传百,大家都学着用稻草扎肉煮着吃,果然香酥可口。乡亲们便把这种肉称作“东坡肉”。因其滋味鲜美,做法别致,所以始终传播。传说二 苏东坡在杭州做刺史的时候,管理了西湖,替老百姓做了一件好事。那时西湖已被葑草埋没了大半。他上任后,动员数万民工除葑田,疏湖港,把挖起来的泥堆筑了长堤,并建桥以畅通湖水,使西湖秀容重现,又可蓄水灌田。 西湖治理后,四处的地步就不怕涝也不愁旱了,这一年又风调雨顺,杭州四乡的庄稼得了个大丰产。老庶民感激苏东坡治理西湖的利益,到过年时候,大家就抬猪担酒来给他拜年。 苏东坡收下良多猪肉,叫人把它切成方块,烧得红红的,而后再按管理西湖的民工花名册,每家一块,将肉分送给他们过年。大家很兴奋,人人都有夸苏东坡是个英明的父母官,把他送来的猪肉叫做“东坡肉”。
[link widoczny dla zalogowanych] 东坡肉 百度晓得
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Dołączył: 21 Lut 2011
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Wysłany: Sob 8:41, 26 Lut 2011 Temat postu: |
active apprehendt can not acquaint the ,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]
absence so far
abashed as apologetic
air-conditioned wind in your taerial accept broiled
deathwatch of the aching eyes broiled affections
becloudred drifter ability out to blackout the
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Dołączył: 17 Lut 2011
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Wysłany: Wto 21:23, 08 Mar 2011 Temat postu: |
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Epicurus school as one of the most influential school continuation of the 4 th century. Epicurus widely spread in Greece - doctrine greco-roman world. Roma Epicurus school period Epicurus school of distinguished representatives have fe radmanovic particularly and Lou klein repair. He wrote the philosophy of "poems phy-sical theory", a systematic publicity and saved Epicurus doctrine. Monotheistic, Epicurus pie proclaim that people die without soul out, this is a major progress of human history, while advocating seek happiness. But they claim that happiness is sensual pleasures material comforts, but ruled out emotions with heart halcyon pleasures. Epicurus pie living simple and abstemious, purpose of which is to resist luxury life on a person's body and mind invasion.Style of thousands of Fan Bingbing Fan Bingbing
customs million (Atlas)
2011 年 2 月 19 日 Nanning Tourism Festival The Second and the Third Landscape Flower Peach Blossom Festival in Wu Ming County Flower World held a grand opening ceremony, organizers invited the film stars Fan Bingbing as a guest to attend the opening ceremony. Although today under a drizzle, but many fans still early and went to Van to attend the Third World landscape peach blossom flower opening ceremony Movie Star Fan Bingbing competition gives an eye on the wind color. so that the highway from Nanning to Flower World see cars there, Flower World in the opening ceremony, it is a sea of people.
dry in the sun farm dinner dishes, starting the year ( Figure)
dry in the sun to open year peasant dishes (Figure)
2011 年 2 月 7 days old and the beginning of five years is part of the country's opening day. starting the year, Chinese New Year is the first time in killing days, different places have their own customs, the fifth day I went to the streets Shibu Xixiangtang district land offices Yin Temple in the village to open in Singapore family's dinner, that day, the opening years of the family, early on ready to own chickens, ducks, fish, meat, but also ready to dog and sashimi, and other relatives and friends invited to come, you can open the table to eat and drink to the people the better, to open this year The more family members face, and the scene is very lively. dishes although not so good-looking restaurant,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], but also very delicious, chicken, ducks are homegrown in the chicken, duck is very fragrant sweet and delicious. It is worth saying braised dog meat is very delicious, very fragrant, Song back after eating endless.
poached chicken meat from doing
cut sashimi sashimi
Lemon poached chicken duck
lemon duck ingredients
own table of poached chicken is also very tasty fish for the delicious lemon duck
prepared dishes served in the allocation of sashimi masters
steaming stewed dog meat
taro served braised pork
dog, want to eat it!
poultry thousand five hundred fifty dog fish ...
Festival site (Figure)
Confucius Temple Festival cum thousand five hundred fifty relocation completed (Figure)
2011 年 1 月 30 日 Lunar XXVII, before the arrival of the Chinese New Year Year of the Rabbit, Nanning City, Confucius Temple, completed relocation thousand five hundred fifty cum festival was held, autonomous regions, Nanning City The leaders took part in the ceremony, but also to attract people to go watch. It is understood that the Confucius Temple in 2002 project of Nanning, Nanning Municipal Government is one of the tangible things, after nearly 8 years of construction, now completed, Nanning, southwest China is the scale of the Confucius Temple The most ambitious, like Confucius, the Confucius Temple in Nanning country and the world's largest current, Confucian Temple has three doors into the Great composition,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], exactly as the establishment of the ancient architectural style. Temple of the relocation completed in Nanning for a tour of Nanning new attractions.
brother and song at the wing (Figure)
brother and song at the wing (Figure)
early last year, Guangxi Tourism Promotion Exhibition Center opening party, the wing Colombian encouragement of everyone, song at one stage, causing bursts of screams, the past year, in January 16, 2011 Exhibition Center of Guangxi tourism promotion held a activities, the wing Colombian hi the first prize, access to a valuable pearl necklace, pearl palace. award-winning, people invited to the Qing Rong song at Columbia came to power. Finally, with the Colombian Air Wing brother invited the chorus and the climax off New Year Meeting. The times, Co., Ltd., Wei Ni of China and a number of jewelry companies sponsor and support units. support units to provide a number of prizes, but also for a very rich program, with unique songs, comedy, such as the flute solo. In've been to year, Guangxi Tourism promote the exhibition center, led by Sister in the winter, the work hard to promote the exhibition center and the agent shows up to four hundred kinds of goods, and three thousand pieces.
Tourism Bureau Director Lai speech
Wing New Year Meeting brother in his speech, his face full of smiles
Huang Shou new think tank, general manager of the Gulf in his speech, Costa Rica and Huang Rong
beauty of dance is to force it
the next set of wine competitions is guess, guess Oh, there are prizes in
Liulang who were also involved
hold hi brother Little Miss Wing (Figure)
wing Colombian hi hold little beauty (Figure)
recent car show in Nanning City Boulevard overpass and fraternity Lord of the Dance next to the entertainment city, is a collection of performing arts with the KT one of the entertainment city, often imitated around the country invited to show and featured guest performances in the program. recently invited the two had participated in Hunan TV, peppers, Liu Yang to perform, peppers, female, height 1.2 m, long as the sweet, melodious song. Liu Yang, male, body body 1.25 m, the program exciting, causing bursts of screaming. After the program, have with small chilli photographic pictures, Wing Hei brother also hold a small beauty photo.
beautiful singer singing dwarf in the performing
three Han Liu Yang in a small car, and Liu Yang put a knife to her neck to pull carts
This is a positive feature, it is very difficult
Liu Yang side close-up, the blade is clear that Liu Yang's neck tightly affixed to a very exciting program
peppers in the arms of his brother Zhu After performing in concert
, peppers give his brother a kiss
Rong Zhu Xi brother hold little beauty
Liu Guoxiong Chairman Mao with small chilli
" " collecting culture in Guangxi Association opening add to the fun (Figure)
Forum held in Nanning. The event aims to promote the ancient culture, heritage and cultural collections, unite collectors, collectors, collectors Association for Cultural Exchange Organization to fight the collection of Guangxi Guangxi's largest private collection of organizations. attended the opening ceremony of the with business, politics, art, etc., Guangxi Cultural Exchange Association executive president Wang Shunwei collection of speech at the ceremony, participants are introduced to the basic situation Association, Guangxi collection of Cultural Exchange Promotion Association in March 29, 2010 officially registered was established by the business unit in charge of examination and approval Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Federation of Literary and Art Circles, the Home Office formally approved the registration of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, the Guangxi collectors, collection organization, composed of collectors of voluntary non-profit community groups. At present, Association in the region has more than 300 members, and gradually developed into a for our members to provide advice, assessment, identification, exhibitions, auctions, collectors and networking inside and outside the exchange and other services of the organization, a vast number of collectors , artists, and experts and scholars a platform for interaction. Association has more than 1,000 square meters of display area, Jina has reached more than 8,000 members of collections, including porcelain, jade, paintings, bronzes, and other miscellaneous play for the majority of collections lovers exchange, appreciation of the history and culture provide a truly empirical articles. will build more than 1,000 square meters of painting and calligraphy exhibition area, committed to providing our collectors to provide more luxury and the beauty of it ...
luxury beauty (Figure)
2011 年 1 月 9 pm, Nanning Ba Xiang Wang Industrial Club in Tuscany at a news conference by the Nanning Ba Xiang Wang Industrial Company to develop the Cards that good corporate samples, should select as Guangxi's Nanning Ba Xiang Wang Industrial Company title, and Nanning Ba Ho, chairman of Cheung Wang Industrial Core appeared in the The most authoritative brand event. at a news conference Nanning Ba Xiang Wang Industrial Company and the world, Xiang Wang Industrial Pakistan will extend all over the world with this global platform to enrich the resources and expertise to provide optimal for the owners of Tuscany value-added services. According to reports from the press conference in Guangzhou, Shenzhen and other News media around the country over a hundred people.
high-tech industry high-tech industries located in old revolutionary base areas located in old revolutionary base areas
countries in the world biotechnology industry is the focus on the development of industries, high-tech industries, to develop bio- food supply industry to ensure food security, life, health and energy diversification is of great significance.
by the People's Government of Baise City, China's high-tech Industrialization Association nutrition source branch, wide Xijinmaike Biotechnology Company Limited, Guangxi Pingguo County in Baise City, Pingguo County People's Government, Life Sciences, Guangxi University, contractors, Guangxi Feed Industry Association, Baise City of Valley Farm Bureau and the good fortune (Beijing) Co., Ltd. in association with ecological agriculture biotechnology industry will be held from feed ingredients January 13,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], 2011 at the grand opening of .2011 Pingguo County, on Jan. 7 by the People's Government of Baise City, China high-tech Industrialization Association nutrition source branch, wide Xijinmaike Biotechnology Company Limited, Baise City Pingguo County, Pingguo County People's Government, Life Sciences, Guangxi University, contractors, Guangxi Feed Industry Association, Baise City of Valley Farm Bureau and the good fortune (Beijing) Co., Ltd. cum wide Xijinmaike ecological agriculture biotechnology park construction project will be settled on January 18 Pingguo Nanning Red Forest Hotel in a press conference.
2009 feed production in China reached 1.5 million tons, the same year the United States is 1.5 million tons, 1.5 million tons the European Commission, Japan, 25.00 million tons. With the standard of living increase, the increase in consumption of animal products, feed production in China will continue to grow steadily, the market prospect is very broad. Food is the basis for human survival, but also raw materials for feed industry, aquaculture production base. Guangxi is located in a subtropical climate .. .
winter blooming lily (Figure)
winter blooming lily (Figure)
January 2, 2011, China's Ma Shan River eco-tourism and music Festival and Carnival will be Lily Miss Lily Finals, calm music in the Mashan Yongzhou Ecological Park at River Green Valley. Guangxi network media team invited to participate,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], after about four hours of driving, nearly twelve o'clock at noon, reaching about 158 km from Nanning, Mashan Yongzhou town Jiang Green Valley Ecological Park and music this fall on the table, calm music Mashan Yongzhou River Scenic Area is a set of newly developed in recent years in Guangxi karst rivers and lakes, biological and ecological, agricultural eco-tourism in one area, scenic area of 23.7 square kilometers, from underground river caves 10 and 10 secluded Zhuang, Yao village composition. scenic stable water potential, can cruise. Jiang Green Valley Ecological Park and music mainly R & D-based, development planting lilies, tulips and other rare flowers, and greenhouse vegetables and fruits. into the river and music Green Valley Ecological Park, six large greenhouses is very eye-catching large, because of the time, I visited the Museum and the lilies of them pollution-free vegetables and fruits Hall, into the lily hall, where the head is surging, at the dazzling array of blooming lilies, lilies filled the air everywhere the aroma, noble and elegant. I can not help but marvel. People have a camera and take a photo, record this winter blooming flowers. pollution-free vegetables and fruit in the hall, planted with strawberries, lettuce, raw Levin and other seasonal vegetables and fruits, to attract people to visit, lamented the charm of technology. Yongzhou town is the old revolutionary base, located in the western Mashan, rich black goat , duck and rice wine. Jiang Green Valley Ecological Park and music establishment ,...
See also Tang Jiali (Figure)
see also Tang Jiali (Figure)
12 月 26 Japanese movies, Guangxi Debao beautiful fixing Fengjing. It is understood that, Company Culture Communication Co., Ltd. Guangxi Jinxin joint produced film. film live in a small town in a woman,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], named Hu Die. She normally picturesque beauty, such as wine generally glycol, such as bright sunlight, such as springs in series of general clarity ... ... and her husband suffered a divorce, the burdens of his family come, communication barriers with his son and his father seriously ill, such as multiple blows, trapped in self-struggle and the daily life of fetters placed under cool woman, she gradually lost due to play it. soft, delicate, thin, these Words can not describe the women on her, and she has the most natural, most of the true beauty of humanity, which is the Creator's gift to her extra hard, just as the beauty of the town in general, it unique species, it is to hang around and from the most memorable ... ... the movie Set shortly after publication, Tang Jiali has been performed to Nanning, people are asking the body photo album, so I am a bit ... ... and now she is mature and clear ...
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Dołączył: 16 Lut 2011
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Wysłany: Śro 16:14, 09 Mar 2011 Temat postu: |
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The so-called "idea Yin", it is the literature works of the "emotion", drama stage on "Yin"! The "emotion" and "Yin", is "the sentiment of literary career delusion", "chances," reflects the author mental level of a realm, rather than physical activity; This "idea Yin" works, of course, for small minds, attic red chamber are popular, but also inevitable with to cheng and zhu "neo-confucianism", "love study" lu king for authentic feudal orthodox ethical conflicts
the first time,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], city leaders attended a school teacher with pupils to participate in
participating companies:
and a larger scene,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], the three executives personally involved in the layout of the venue
the first two day version of the course
MSN Spaces perfect move to the Sina blog!
My style
Garments Co.,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], Ltd. Jiangsu Huai An Yiting U.S.
Huai'an City, bright watch glasses Co.,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], Ltd.
first of its kind real estate land evaluation in Jiangsu Co.,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], Ltd.
family portrait
eyes sparkling crystal clear ... the hearts of infinite moving ...
for the first time to watch and share with everyone
public speaking tour in Jiangsu Huai:
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Dołączył: 22 Lut 2011
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Wysłany: Śro 3:42, 16 Mar 2011 Temat postu: |
there is something missing, and missed a lifetime. People are bound to, hold a constant commitment, but could not restrain a fickle heart.
Sometimes persistence is a burden, giving up is a relief, people do not perfect, happiness is not a hundred hours, know that they can not afford to have so much time,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], and no right to ask so much,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], otherwise his suffering , but also difficult for each other.
heart belongs to a person, love, what is fair? Love the deep, deep hurt,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], love where there is not fair. Love should not love, is never the light of day, alas, love do not love you, the tears burst start.
commitment is a white, thick and then the script has also been the outcome, I think I know the taste of tears, even if the pay per minute, every second I do not have bailing. In this world there is no lasting happiness, only the moment of comfortable and well-being.
If you put my feelings, as a game, I can not afford, more lose, rhetoric, and who knows the pain behind my smile, love from the beginning of a smile, a kiss to grow, and ultimately by a tear over, hurt,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], end up with scars, eventually leaving traces, force yourself to forget you, but loved to know that I am not about everything, maybe silence is the best comfort, and perhaps memories the best outcome, a fool is always the same, can not escape sad, because a dream in mind, so willing to stray.
some fate doomed to lose, some fate doomed to a bad end,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], love does not necessarily have to have him, but with a man, must go to love him,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], do not give up, or I'm sorry themselves.
not because there is no sun, and go into the spring
not because there is no singing, and give up their pursuit
not because there is no applause, but lost his ideals
fact, every one is the road leading to the sun, is full of ups and downs.
each leading to the ideal way is full of hardships and sweat!
the development of a lot of things destined to an end, enjoy the beautiful process of passing, we should learn to forget,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], burst into laughter cry for a return to the bold, the rise of a look, a bright sun, I believe that time can change everything! Do not let your tears.
Style spring in spring and winter are winter elegant, beautiful and each have their own life, each have their own smart, you laugh the world laughs with you. You cry, only one person you cry. When not own, the only thing to do is not to forget!
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[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]
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And so long as I can laugh never will I be poor. This, then, is one of nature's greatest gifts, and l will waste it no more. Only with laughter and happiness can l truly become a success. Only with laughter and happiness can I enjoy the fruits of my labor. Were it not so, far better would it be to fail, for happiness is the wine that sharpens the taste of the meal. To enjoy success I must have happiness, and laughter will be the maiden who serves me.
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