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Dołączył: 21 Lut 2011
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Skąd: England Płeć: Kobieta
Wysłany: Śro 16:16, 06 Kwi 2011 Temat postu:   马家河 |
编者按:这里的山是美术的,这里的水是音乐的,这里的沙滩是诗的,这里的人家是禅宗的。这里琳琅满目,这儿叫人流连忘返! 当你来到平水小镇之后,或是缘于寂寞,或是由于无聊,假使有兴致沿着那“两河流域”之中较大的一条河流上溯,你就必定会油然地快慰那一份儿柳暗花明的奇遇了。
这条流量较大的河流名叫马家河,到底为什么名之为“马”,我不得其解,别人也不得其解。偶然问及家乡的一些耄耋之人,他们也大都翘翘山羊胡子,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych],毕竟捋不出个子庚卯酉来。
还是先说这里的山吧,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]。这里的山,灵秀峻美,苍莽雄奇。是神龙架连绵的余脉,是古老而神奇的山谣缭绕的尾音,是那逶迤峭拔的角注。河水两岸,山势相峙,争险斗奇,促就了无数段狭小的峡谷。我看有些地方连山羊也能跳过。河水大老远地从神龙架跑来,看这局势,恐怕那峡谷会在什么时候倏忽合拢。所以,一走到这儿,便急匆忙忙地奔驰起来,连连趔趄,不敢喘一口粗气儿。听那大张旗鼓的呼吸声,连人也被沾染得快要缓和出汗来。然而,这刚跨出闺门的水还是舍不得这无处不溢洋着青春气味的山们,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]
Children's Stories
by Margo Fallis
Happiness Is Where We Look For It
Rabiah was a small boy with messy, long, brown hair that hung over his deep brown eyes. His skin was olive brown and seemed tightly wrapped around his bones, and he was very thin.
Rabiah lived in the desert. As a Bedouin boy, he spent most of his time herding goats. His family lived in a black tent made of camel and goat hair. It kept them warm in the winter. When summer arrived and the temperature soared, all they had to do was open the flaps on the tent and a breeze would blow through, keeping them cool.
He didn’t have a television, or a car, and he didn’t even have a refrigerator, but he did have his very own camel. Her name was Jasmine. His father had given him the camel when he was very young. Now he was ten. He and Jasmine were always together. Since Rabiah was small, he fit perfectly on Jasmine’s hump, once he was up there. It was difficult for him to get up by himself. His father used to have to help him, but now Jasmine simply got down on her knees and allowed him to climb on.。跑一跑,跳一跳,也就迟缓下来了。而且,温柔地欣赏起来,把那份儿脉脉的相思惬意地倒映在自己的心里。看吧,这儿的山们多美呀!有的山岩就是让斧头给削成的,和板壁一样,没有一丝儿人工的痕迹。有的呢?看样子就是凿成的。为什么说是凿成的呢?因为,那所有皱褶均合乎于人工画的皴法。其笔力遒劲,其章法疏密得体。放眼望去,那只能说是画,而且,哪儿是画哪儿是山也说不明白。说它是巧夺天工,也仿佛有些空幻。只有说它是艺术的,才干恰到好处。在它的面前,无论你是艺术家,还是一般人,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]
Children's Stories
by Margo Fallis
Happiness Is Where We Look For It
Rabiah was a small boy with messy, long, brown hair that hung over his deep brown eyes. His skin was olive brown and seemed tightly wrapped around his bones, and he was very thin.
Rabiah lived in the desert. As a Bedouin boy, he spent most of his time herding goats. His family lived in a black tent made of camel and goat hair. It kept them warm in the winter. When summer arrived and the temperature soared, all they had to do was open the flaps on the tent and a breeze would blow through, keeping them cool.
He didn’t have a television, or a car, and he didn’t even have a refrigerator, but he did have his very own camel. Her name was Jasmine. His father had given him the camel when he was very young. Now he was ten. He and Jasmine were always together. Since Rabiah was small, he fit perfectly on Jasmine’s hump, once he was up there. It was difficult for him to get up by himself. His father used to have to help him, but now Jasmine simply got down on her knees and allowed him to climb on.,你都只有敬慕的份儿,因为那种天然魅力是无奈用笔墨去摹拟的。
秋天,当那红叶次序红遍每个山头,全部山野都因为一时的酡红而变得无比羞赧了。那红叶,如火似霞,热闹而奔放,飘逸而豪放,远远胜于春花的纤巧与细腻。无论你站到哪一个地位,只有你使自我的眼光栖息其间,你就会觉得自己的灵魂早已出壳了,早已堕落成了一只蝴蝶翩跹来回于宇宙之间,不知自我在何方了……看那阳光下的山野,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]
Children's Stories
by Margo Fallis
Happiness Is Where We Look For It
Rabiah was a small boy with messy, long, brown hair that hung over his deep brown eyes. His skin was olive brown and seemed tightly wrapped around his bones, and he was very thin.
Rabiah lived in the desert. As a Bedouin boy, he spent most of his time herding goats. His family lived in a black tent made of camel and goat hair. It kept them warm in the winter. When summer arrived and the temperature soared, all they had to do was open the flaps on the tent and a breeze would blow through, keeping them cool.
He didn’t have a television, or a car, and he didn’t even have a refrigerator, but he did have his very own camel. Her name was Jasmine. His father had given him the camel when he was very young. Now he was ten. He and Jasmine were always together. Since Rabiah was small, he fit perfectly on Jasmine’s hump, once he was up there. It was difficult for him to get up by himself. His father used to have to help him, but now Jasmine simply got down on her knees and allowed him to climb on.,绵延涌起无数鲜红的浪头,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych],一层一层地荡漾开来,此时此刻,就觉得自己微小得一下子缩成了搁浅在海滩上的些小贝壳儿。林间,那些极不起眼的微黄的小草仍然充斥活力,从稀少的叶片间筛下来的丝丝阳光,既有神秘的光环,又有漂亮的旋律。在这山野间,秋天的光荣闪耀着、巡睃着,温顺恰似妊妇的笑。到底在笑些什么呢?像是蒙娜丽莎,把一份儿惬意的欣慰影印在那薄薄的晚霞里。丰硕的果实从雾气里抬起了头,像是一头撞在了情人的怀里,倏然的邂逅羞红了胖胖的脸蛋儿。蓦然回顾,一缕阳光早已悄悄于你的身后,尾跟着你的影儿,像是一首飘渺的歌儿,绵绵地始终围绕着一种催眠的气氛。
说这里全是峡谷也错误。因为,你缓缓地走去,偶然就会发现一些金黄色的茅草滩。此外,还有一些沙石滩,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]。这沙石滩好一片银白。其间,鹅卵石错落有致,如同渺茫星汉的陨落。那颜色竟无一点儿杂质,纯粹得让人类自己也觉得是过剩的。假如一旦坐下来,在水边听听那天籁,匆匆地,就会有三五成群的白鹭飞下来,以主人的姿势栖身其间。或者是晒太阳,或者是觅食品,或者是闲游玩。叽叽喳喳地,彼此之间也好像是在叙寒问暖、唠叨唠叨家常吧。有时候,她们跑到水边儿理理羽毛,梳梳头发,还要朝水中照照镜子,真有些女儿气呢!也有时候,你没发明她们的踪影,只顾埋头走本人的路。猛然间,那就一定会惊醒她们闲侃之梦的。那当儿,她们冲天而起,让你一时顿足长叹。
所以,这里的人家是禅宗的,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]。
马家河的山水简直容纳了中国文明的所有底蕴,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych],既没有仙人的传说,也没著名人的遗迹,然而,那美却在自然中浮现,在天然中延长。
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