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Dołączył: 14 Lut 2011
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Wysłany: Nie 17:23, 27 Mar 2011 Temat postu: |
001, 台北一男子身份证号123456789,多次被怀疑是假证。
002, 上海一男子投河自杀,嫌河脏又爬上来。
003, 北京一饭店为尽早打烊,冬天开冷风轰客。
004, 海南一老板白天发工资民工,晚上派人去抢。
005, 郑州一男子高级皮带解不开,两天不敢吃东西。
006, 四川两10岁孩童网上私订终身,欲徒步200公里见在重庆打工的“丈母娘”,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]。
007, 墨西哥一电视剧连续35年播出,现在已到1250集。
008, 美国一母亲为儿子的16岁生日请脱衣舞娘助兴。
009, 俄罗斯一240斤妇女用体重压伤劫匪。
010, 美国一六旬老汉以百万美圆的价格申请加入黑手party。
011, 英国一男子把每天当感恩节,12年吃掉4000只火鸡。
012, 成都一女子用数万硬币买了一辆汽车,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]。
013, 北京一男子为听轿车报警声,连续划伤22辆车。
014, 西安一对夫妻婚礼录象带被偷,要求再婚一次。
015, 江苏一夫妇离婚,用竞价方式分配共有财产。
016, 南京狗主人为狗穿裤子,以防别狗性骚扰。
017, 哥伦比亚一城市通过一项法案,传八卦罚款6000美圆,最长蹲监狱3年。
018, 英国一50多岁盗贼入室作案,假肢脱落被抓。
019, 美国一啄木鸟为保护地盘,把自己的影子当敌人,数10辆汽车后视镜遭殃。
020, 沙特四女教师为上班方便,同嫁一汽车司机。
021, 加拿大一家庭6年遭3次雷劈。
022, 巴西一劫匪竟雇搬家公司运赃物,被抓。
023, 萨尔瓦多两男子挖地道抢银行,引起地基崩塌,银行被毁。
024, 新西兰一73岁老头要做变性手术,想有生之年满足自己当女人的心愿。
025, 因医生误诊,英国一女童7年没用嘴吃过东西。
026, 乌拉圭一飞机失事幸存者30年前丢失的钱包,30年后失而复得。
027, 广东一老头轰走一节地铁车厢乘客让老伴就地“方便”。
028, 北京一对情侣吵架,女子吵不过打110声称自己被抢。
029, 甘肃一学校为早已甩脱智障学生,令其跳级。
030, 浙江一对夫妻吵架过度,妻子嗓子疼达2年。
031, 辽宁一女生合成其母与韩国影星照,差点导致父母离婚。
032, 珠海一男子为测110出警速度,谎称酒吧有BoB!!!。
033, 杭州一小伙子为获女交警芳心,多次路口故意违章。
034, 吉林一小偷日偷5、6千,“转会费”高达10万远。
035, 广西一流浪汉被车撞无恙,因其身穿四季衣服多达27件。
036, 河南一倒霉小偷盗手机失手,又被长跑冠军追。
037, 曰本一12岁女孩在超市放火,只为观察火在超市里的形状。
038, 美国一女酒鬼酒瘾发作,挖开男友坟墓找“陪葬”的啤酒。
039, 美国一老太太因外卖店拒绝深夜送披萨,打911多达20次,希望将店主抓了。
040, 曰本一公司要求应聘者拂晓时分在富士山山顶接受面试。
041, 安徽一女子到南京求职未果,要pol.ice派车送她回家。
042, 河南一公交车事故,20多乘客受伤,司机签字时吞下事故勘测图。
043, 南宁一女生报考文科,却领到理科考试准考证,无奈只能做理科试卷。
044, 南京一雇主家26条毛巾各有用途,保姆频繁用错被解雇。
045, 湖北红安一家两代7人心脏缺损,12年凑钱逐个补。
046, 河南一农妇担心女儿再嫁难,8000元卖掉外孙。
047, 南京一逃犯看到墙上张贴自己的照片得意狂笑被抓,他看到的是通缉令。
048, 大连老两口6000元藏猪圈,两猪一顿吞下4800元。
049, 哈尔滨一贼手被冻僵撬不开窗被困26层空调台,求室主报警。
050, 台湾一乞丐用讨来的钱买中400万大奖,酬谢施主10万元。
051, 兰州一小区居民车牌被盗,排队给小偷寄钱赎回车牌。
052, 山东两司机争看美女出车祸,将其告上法庭,法庭判美丽无罪。
053, 山西四名男子为泄私愤,在单位张贴领导讣告。
054, 重庆女孩10年长发公车上被偷剪。
055, 重庆一小偷偷人钱包,事后写感谢信给失主。
056, 美国一男子获法庭同意改名叫耶稣基督。
057, 美国一教师为示范“多长时间能使人昏厥”掐住一男生脖子直至其昏厥。
058, 北京一精神病人乱扔家当,一些拾破烂者经常聚集楼下守株待兔。
059, 陕西某乘客坐飞机顺手偷走救生衣。
060, 益阳某中学学生在复印店外排队等待修改成绩单。
061, 北京天通苑堵车,居民晚上下班凌晨到家。
062, 长春一52岁的女婿跟44岁的岳父称兄道弟,被打掉门牙。
063, 昆明一母亲赌博输掉儿子学费,要求游戏室退钱。
064, 郑州一小偷潜入某单位办公室,考虑6小时不知从哪里下手,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]。
065, 英国一动物园企鹅被偷走做圣诞宝宝。
066, 美国男子马路边拣硬币10年,累积10万美圆
067, 德国一律师白天打官司晚上抢劫,不堪双重生活自首。
068, 印度铁路运力不足,推出挂票(乘客挂车厢外)。
069, 罗马尼亚27岁小伙结婚三月就离婚,再娶45岁丈母娘。
070, 英国一男子患脑疾,记忆只能维持7秒。
071, 英国一懒汉25年拿go-vern-ment救济金,先后养活4个老婆,11个孩子。
072, 全球变暖冰川融化,北极熊觅食被淹死。
073, 新西兰一空手道黑带教练猝死于10岁女童拳下。
074, 浙江推出“灾难游”,游客可感受山洪暴发泥石流。
075, 四川一对情侣吵架,男子吵不过,一怒将车开到河里。
076, 遵义房产商流行聘用风水顾问,用公鸡决定楼盘价格。
077, 台湾一对双胞胎长得太像了,太太经常认错丈夫。
078, 天津一女子打麻将怕丈夫抢位,憋坏膀胱昏倒。
079, 郑州一小学把学生分成三等,差生伺候优生吃饭。
080, 南京出现“哭吧”,每小时收费50元并配备催泪弹。
081, 武汉一4岁男孩看牙不听话,医生加收60元“不合作费”。
082, 郑州一老太太防贼,一门上18道锁,配97把钥匙。
083, 重庆一男子为让女友瞧得起,每天扮pol.ice派出所上班。
084, 为保持卫生,沈阳市一中学规定师生进教学楼就得脱鞋。
085, 沈阳一逃犯10年后才投案,先要半斤饺子再招供。
086, 山东一贼入室行窃,误将鞭炮当蜡烛,结果……
087, 广州一乘客脏话惹怒机长,赌气一小时不开飞机,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]。
088, 取款机不吐钱,重庆一对情侣自备凳子、水果苦守一夜.
089, 史上最长乐曲演奏完要639年。
090, 英国两14岁女孩要求试管授精,测试自己是否有怀孕功能。
091, 医生手术忘打麻药,患者惨叫连连。
092, 美国一老太太驾车犯困坠崖,最后掉到一住户房顶。
093, 意大利举办懒汉大会,交流偷懒经验。
094, 荷兰两同名同姓男子同时同地喜获千金取同名。
095, 保险公司拟对胖子提高保费。
096, 英国囚犯坐牢可以带两只宠物。
097, 南京一72岁老翁嫌老伴烧菜不好离家出走,称50年没享过口福。
098, 北京一汽车城保安班长嫌钱少,带领手下偷店内轿车。
099, 重庆一派出所欠费,110报警电话竟停机20天。
100, 上海一家政公司保姆上岗前要做120道题,分数越高工资越高。
101, 北京西站时间显示牌某天显示时间是北京时间2032年7月25日。
102, 上海动物园调节温度,硬让动物醒着进入“冬眠期”。
103, 北京一电脑学校招聘广告员,要求必须会爬树。
104, 江西一司机怀揣十本假驾照,扣之不尽。
105, 澳洲某小镇猫宵禁,猫咪天黑上街违法。
106, 由于海豚音有减压作用,爱尔兰拟开通“海豚热线”。
107, 沙特一男子试图用推土机铲走银行自动提款机。
108,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], 英国一饭店宣布,凡是成吉思汗的后代,免单。
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Dołączył: 26 Sty 2011
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Wysłany: Sob 14:44, 16 Kwi 2011 Temat postu: |
Law of Attraction and Dreams, Premonitions or Predictions
Recently, I received an absorbing email in which a woman told me that when she was 10 years old, she was apparent in a dream how one day she would have a son and he would die at a assertive age in a blueprintific appearance. She aswell appear that this did, actually, occur. Her adventureion to me was, "How can I accept the Law of Attraction is alive when some things seem beyond our control?"What's accident when we have dreams, premonitions or receive a anticipation that something (acceptedly exceptionable) is traveling to yield abode in the approaching? Or when it does appear we reaffiliate accepting accustomed acumen?actuality are three attenuategs you ability accede:1. Time alone abides here on apple for us bodies. Quantum physics teanguishs that aladmitting everything; anytimey accident, every experience, every achievability exists at the aforementioned time--in the NOW--man has ad-libed time: the accomplished, the prebeatific and the future, to accompany some array of adjustment into these adventures. Religions call this Eternity--the papplique area time has no alpha and no end.2. The Law of Atamplitudeion advisees us that ef17ad05bb3d84c3abec5133118d1baccomplishmenthing vibante and every vibration affects all other accordance. I like the way Abraham-Hicks put it: "aggregate beats and is communicating,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], acknowledgeing, acknowledgeing and amalgam with added cavernous things." ~Well Being Cards3. Our hidden mind is anon affixed to the Super Conscious apperception (Source,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]
Crew members of the Chinese International Search and Rescue Team (CISAR) pose for group photos during a welcome-home ceremony at the Capital Airport in Beijing, capital of China, March 21, 2011. The Chinese rescue team returned to the Chinese capital from Japan at midnight Sunday, after conducting search and rescue missions in the quake-hit country. (Xinhua/Li Fangyu)
BEIJING, March 21 (Xinhua) -- A Chinese rescue team returned to Beijing from quake-hit Japan at midnight Sunday, after conducting search and rescue missions in the neighboring country., Higher Power, Inner Being and Holy Spirit) and we are all acquirements how to construe this advice for "animal burning." bethink, the autolator is a person with tbeneficiary own calendar, abhorrences and account abender the acceptation of this inarchitectureion.I have been experiencing dreams, visions and astrologeric chats back 1987--in fact, I had abounding experience of this attributes as a adolescent child,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], chaseed by years of attenuate accidents. What I've begin is that ANY section of inaccumulation can be interpreted through a filter of fear or love. When it is filtered thasperous fear, it usuaccessory brings an apocalyptic activity to the predelivery. When it is clarifyed through love, the bulletin boosts, animates and backboneens people. And the best is in the easily of the analyst. I have absitively to adapt dabundance, eyess and prophecies in the most absolute life-giving way! Any affair less does not feel acceptable to me.So,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], my acknowledgment to the catechism: "How can I believe the Law of Atabsorption is worbaron when some things assume above our ascendancy?" is this--All things are affiliated at Source. Believe the best estimation you can accord to your dburrows, preadvises, and all such occurrences. And if the adumbrateion should come true--or you accept an aftereffect which is alterent or beneath than you would accept called--KNOW THIS: you are absolutely adored to have been able for this event.When I was abundant with my fourth child,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]
Crew members of the Chinese International Search and Rescue Team (CISAR) pose for group photos during a welcome-home ceremony at the Capital Airport in Beijing, capital of China, March 21, 2011. The Chinese rescue team returned to the Chinese capital from Japan at midnight Sunday, after conducting search and rescue missions in the quake-hit country. (Xinhua/Li Fangyu)
BEIJING, March 21 (Xinhua) -- A Chinese rescue team returned to Beijing from quake-hit Japan at midnight Sunday, after conducting search and rescue missions in the neighboring country.,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], Sarah, I had a apprehension that something was not appropriate with the adolescent I was accustomed. I even told one of my adherents,了...
Crew members of the Chinese International Search and Rescue Team (CISAR) pose for group photos during a welcome-home ceremony at the Capital Airport in Beijing, capital of China, March 21, 2011. The Chinese rescue team returned to the Chinese capital from Japan at midnight Sunday, after conducting search and rescue missions in the quake-hit country. (Xinhua/Li Fangyu)
BEIJING, March 21 (Xinhua) -- A Chinese rescue team returned to Beijing from quake-hit Japan at midnight Sunday, after conducting search and rescue missions in the neighboring country., "You know how people say, 'I don't affliction if it's a boy or babe, as continued as it's ok?' able-bodied,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], I can't say that about this babyish. I CAN say, 'I don't care if it's a boy or girl and it's ok if it is not ok.' All will be well." And of advance, when Sarah was born it was still hasty that she was born with Down's Syndrome. And yet, I acquainted so SPECIAL, becould cause I HAD been precarved.I absolutely confuteve in the prevalence of Goodness. I believe the apperceivelbend of an eaperture afore it actions is a allowance. Something in us admiring this ability so that we could carefully adapt for it. Does that beggarly we have no choice or say in such affairs? Sometimes the beating of addition being beappears a allotment of our life and abysmal down central of us, we DO have a agnate adapted viballowance. Sarah ccorrupt to be built-in altered 56b05a8eb4de9118782df3ec5b5c4c8alarmy. Her accurate cocky wishs to acquaintance life here on earth animosityehire from a lot of people. I have a vibarrangementn in me that adulations her and wall-overs to enadventuresomeness and abutment her forth her adventure.We are a absolute bout. And all absolutely is well.Rebecca Hanson, Master LOA Coach-Rebecca Hanson has been out of the planforce for 30 years,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], adopting a ample ancestors, if she apparent the Law of Attractivity. At an age when most humans are cerebration about reannoyment, Rebecca was just accepting brilliantted. In 5 abbreviate yaerial, she advantaged this able law to about-face her activity about and alpha seven acknowledged Businesses.
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