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Dołączył: 21 Sty 2011
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Skąd: England Płeć: Kobieta
Wysłany: Pią 10:52, 04 Lut 2011 Temat postu: Officine Panerai |
concluded that London could support such an event.
“Over the past decade, interest in luxury watches has grown at a very fast rate in the UK, particularly in London,” said Mr Gurney.
“It seemed to me that London deserved and would appreciate its own show,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], because all those people who are either buying watches or thinking about buying them are bound to be keen to acquire knowledge and discover new brands,” he said.
“Initially, some brands were sceptical about what the show could do for them, but most of them now realise we share the same vision – Salon QP is not about pure, commercial satisfaction but about imparting and acquiring knowledge.
The highlight of this year’s event is the world premier of the latest watch to carry the name of George Daniels, dubbed “the greatest living watchmaker”.
The Daniels “Anniversary” watches, which are a collaboration between him and his protégé, the Isle of Man watchmaker Roger Smith,
The anniversary watches are set to cost about £142,000 ($229,511) and are truly English made.
There could hardly be a more appropriate place for the first one to be unveiled than at London’s very own watch show.
Salon QP, as it is known, was inaugurated last year in the imposing surroundings of Number One, Marylebone, the former Holy Trinity church designed by Sir John Soane and built during the late 1820s to celebrate the defeat of Napoleon.
Staged during the depths of the economic downturn, the show nevertheless attracted more than 20 important brands – including such blue-chip names as Jaeger-LeCoultre, Vacheron Constantin and Officine Panerai.
About 1,500 people bought tickets. The second edition of Salon QP was taking place on 13, November, with 34 brands attending and a capacity for up to 2,500 visitors.
The brain behind the event is James Gurney, QP’s editor, who, a specialist watch journalist with experience of dozens of watch shows around the world,
When talk turns to watch shows, the inclination is to think of Switzerland – namely the internationally renowned Salon International de la Haute Horlogerie in Geneva which takes place each January, and the Baselworld fair that takes place in early spring.
have been created to mark 35 years since Mr Daniels perfected the groundbreaking Co-Axial movement that he developed during the 1970s and which was subsequently adopted by Omega.
But London in November has now become an important destination for any serious horolophile, thanks to the arrival of a new show organised by the UK’s leading specialist watch magazine,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], QP.
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Dołączył: 26 Sty 2011
Posty: 89
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Skąd: England Płeć: Kobieta
Wysłany: Pon 5:56, 07 Lut 2011 Temat postu: |
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“唉~这个比前一个还远。”河及珠江中上游支流的山涧溪流中。 中国大鲵原产地自然分布主要集中在我国的五大区域:一是湖南张家界、江永、岳阳和湘西自治州;二是湖北房县、神农架;三是陕西汉中、健康、商洛;四是贵州遵义和四川宜宾、兴文等地。五是江西靖安其他零碎分布于湖北鹤峰、恩施,广西柳州、玉林,甘肃文县,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych],河南卢氏县、蒿县,山西垣曲县,贵州黔东南,在潮州凤凰山天池, 其中靖安县是从上世纪七十年代开端在全国第一个宣布布告保护大鲵,到设立全国第一个大鲵自然保护区,建立全国第一个县娃娃鱼研究所,2001年,将大鲵定为县吉祥物。靖安县大鲵人工繁养技术结果全国当先,通过中国科学院有关专家鉴定,具备大范围开发利用大鲵的技术条件。2005年8月,被中国水产加工与流畅协会授予“中国娃娃鱼之乡”名称。 据统计,大鲵自然资源储藏量约为9万尾,以丘陵山区资源量为多,在经济发达地区由于产业污染的加剧,资源更显不足。[1]?生长繁殖 雌鲵每年7~8月间产卵,卵产于岩石洞内,每尾产卵300枚以上,剩下的抚养义务就交给了雄鲵。雄鲵把身体曲成半圆状,将卵围住,免得被水冲走或遭受敌害,直至2~3周后孵化出幼鲵,15―40天后,小“娃娃鱼”疏散生活,雄鲵才肯离去。大鲵的寿命在两栖动物中也是最长的,在人工饲养的条件下,能活130年之久。种群现状 由于它肉嫩味鲜,所以长期受到人们大量捕杀。各产地数目锐减,有的产地已濒临灭绝。目前面临的事实是大鲵这一名贵野生资源,主要因为人的因素,尤其是生存环境损失、栖息地损坏以及适度利用对大鲵生存造成了严峻要挟,导致种群急剧降落,分布区成倍缩小,处于濒危状况。 我国地区广阔、地貌庞杂、河流纵横、湖泊众多、气象多样,为各种生物及生态体系类型的形成与发展供给了优胜的自然条件,从而成为世界上生物多样性最为丰富的国家之一。 我国的生态系统主要包括森林、草原、荒凉、农田、湿地及大陆六大类型。其中森林是最重要的陆地生态系统,她蕴藏了大量的生物物种,是生物多样性最为丰富的生态系统类型。我国的森林类型繁多、功效齐备,对中国乃至寰球的环境和睦候都具有特别重要的影响。我国的森林按天气带分布从北向南有寒温带针叶林、温带针阔叶混交林、暖温带落叶林和针叶林、亚热带常绿阔叶林。 中国大鲵的野生资源。有人估量全国总的蓄积量为5万尾,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych],真正的野生大鲵仍在大自然中可能未达到5万尾,当然比较切合实际的数有待于深刻的考察研究来评估;大鲵的人工繁殖全国每年繁殖量,有人报道为10万尾,当初人工繁育已经打破160万尾。 要高度看重救命与保护大鲵的种质资源,因为有“种”才有苗,不然,则会变成无源之水,无本之木。也就是说大鲵的苗种繁育,首先要从种质资源的源头抓起,要敏捷建立中国大鲵种质资源库与中国大鲵原种繁育基地,彻底解决大鲵苗种繁育的“种源”问题。 陕西汉中是中国大鲵的最大产地,2009年10月,在武汉召开的全国大鲵保护和发展会议上确认,汉中大鲵种群总量冲破100万尾,已占全国60%。2010年6月,农业部水生野生动动物保护办公室授予汉中市“中国第一大鲵之乡”称号。为便于大鲵信息交换,汉中市科技信息研究所开明了《中国汉中大鲵网》。 中国首座大鲵生态园日前在江西省宜春市靖安县三爪仑国家示范森林公园内动工建设。该项目总投资1500万元、占地面积80公顷,是国家农业部重点建设名目。 靖安县是中国大鲵资源的重要产区,是全国独一的“中国大鲵(娃娃鱼)之乡”。生态园建成前,年繁育大鲵幼苗5万尾、出产大鲵5000公斤,占全国总产量的18.6%。从上个世纪七十年代开始,靖安县就十分器重境内丰富的大鲵资源保护、开发、利用和研究,并在全国大鲵研究开发中创下了四个第一,即:在全国第一个发布布告保护大鲵资源;设立全国第一个大鲵自然保护区;成立全国第一家大鲵研究所;全国第一个控制大鲵人工繁养技术,并第一个成功人工繁育出大鲵子一代、子二代、子三代。2001年,靖安又将娃娃鱼定为县吉利物予以保护。 该项目首期工程将在今年10月实现,可造成年繁养大鲵5万尾、救护大鲵1000尾的能力。生态园集大鲵资源保护、养殖观赏、游览休闲、文明交流及开发利用为一体,在全国首创了综合性保护开发利用大鲵资源先例。保护级别 国家重点保护动物级别 :二级 世界自然保护同盟(IUCN) :待定(I) 特有种 :是
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开放分类: 生物学,两栖动物,国度二级维护动物,动物,隐鳃鲵科 “大鲵”在汉英词典中的说明(起源:百度词典): 1.[Zoology] a behemothic saabsolutistnder 我来完美 “大鲵”相干词条:
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设计建造。其养殖池面积应视大鲵规格大小而定,稚鲵池(蝌蚪阶段1龄以内)0.5~1平方米,幼鲵池(幼鲵阶段1~2龄)1~2平方米,成鲵池(成鲵阶段2~4龄)2~4平方米,亲鲵池(4龄以上)5平方米左右。大鲵各阶段养殖池,其形状以长方形或卵形为佳,长宽比为3:2,其高度请求在所养殖大鲵其全长的二至三倍,养殖场池四处及底部应润滑,顶部建防逃设施或加盖防逃网,在池内可设计多个洞穴,便于大鲵隐藏躲藏,各养殖池应建造独破的排灌设施,做到水位能有效调节,水进出自若,排污便利。 整个养殖场应树立完善的大鲵防逃、防偷、防害设施。 2、大鲵苗种放养及种苗鉴定 2.1养殖池的消毒 新建的养殖池,特殊是水泥池,必须浸泡二个月以上,待其碱性消散后方可放养苗种。对原有养殖池要进行消毒,消毒药物个别用1PPM的漂白粉或0.5PPM的90%晶体敌百虫杀灭细菌或寄生虫等敌害生物,而后用清水冲刷后注入新水方可放养苗种。 2.2鲵种消毒 为防止鲵种将病原微生物带入养殖池内,应将所有放养的鲵种用呋喃类药物每立方米水体0.2g或亚甲基0.5g兑水浸泡5分钟,然后将药水和鲵种一起微微放入养殖池内。 2.3种苗鉴定 2.3.1大鲵苗种与其余苗种的差别 在两栖类中。有尾目中的小鲵科、蝾螈科、洞螈科等品种与大鲵极为类似,区别它们最主要的是比较其状态特点,重要有以下三点: 隐鳃鲵科(大鲵)、小鲵科、蝾螈科形态特征比较 2.3.2大鲵苗体质优劣的鉴定 大鲵苗种体质的优劣直接关联到饲养的胜利与否。优质的大鲵苗种应当是机体硬朗、肌肉肥厚、体表无创痕和寄生虫,未反常前外鳃完全无病变。反之,则为劣质鲵苗。 2.4放养密度 大鲵养殖池其放养密度视养殖大鲵规格和养殖场水源、水体、饵料等因素而定。一般情形下,苗种阶段考虑大鲵其活动范畴较小,摄食能力较弱,放养密度可恰当偏大,便于集中管理饲养。在成鲵阶段考虑大鲵活动规模大,摄食能力强,加之有相互袭击性,其放养密度应小。咱们多年的养殖实际以为,苗种阶段其放养密度为60~100尾/平方米,成鲵阶段5~20尾/平方米。放养时,要求规格尽量保障整齐,个体之间不宜相差0.5倍以上。 3、养殖管理 3.1饵料投喂 大鲵饵料以鲜活的鱼虾蟹蛙及动物内脏为好,其饵料投喂与鱼类养殖饵料投喂一样,应做到“四定”即“定时、定位、定质、定量”。定时,依据大鲵活动状态,投喂多在薄暮进行;定位,饵料投放地位应在大鲵洞穴邻近,便于怠惰的大鲵取食;定质,大鲵对饵料品质要求较严,要求鲜活,并且对饵料的种类不能变化太大,避免大鲵拒食;定量,大鲵贪食,喂食量应由少到多,循序渐进,一般按体重的10~15%进行投喂,详细投喂时还应根据水温、气象状况、大鲵个体等情况进行适当调剂。 另外,在大鲵饵料投喂吃食时,应尽量坚持大鲵不受惊吓,避免其吐食。 3.2调节水质 养殖大鲵应常常保持大鲵池内水质清新无污染,水体透明度大,溶氧量高,PH值在6.8~7.8间。在实际养殖过程中,要及时肃清残饵和排泄物,按期用生石灰调节水质,长期保持池水流动。 3.3调节水平和光照 大鲵对水体温度要求较严,超越其忍耐力会造成大鲵蛰伏或夏眠,在酷热的夏季和严寒的冬季,必须采取降温或增温措施,确保大鲵有一个合适的水温成长环境。另外,大鲵畏光,养殖场应采用办法避免日光强射,夜晚巡视时,不能用强光对射。 3.4防逃防偷 大鲵逃跑才能特强,其陆上或水中活动较为迅速,并能爬高顶重,稍有不慎便会逃逸,必需时刻注意防逃,尤其在下暴雨时要注意。养殖池和全部养殖场合有进出水口和陆上通道口都要装防逃设施。 大鲵其经济价值较高,在养殖进程中要时刻留神防止不法分子的偷窃。 4.养殖条件: 室内外均可养殖。室外为露天专门营建的养殖池,室内为各种闲置设施改革成的养殖池。养殖池只要保证保险坚固不渗漏水,保持流水或装备增氧机。室内养殖池的大小可从1平方米到几十平方米不等。养殖池在放养前需用水浸池1个月,使pH值在6.4以下,正常不要强光照,只保持微光或无光均可。 5.种苗放养: 大鲵养殖一般引进10厘米以上的幼鲵,每平方米水面可放鲵20条左右。种苗放养前养殖地用硫酸铜2毫克/升浸泡5小时消毒,鲵体用氯化钠5%药浴10分钟。当时在池内用麻石搭建洞穴,放置水草以供大鲵潜藏。 6.饲喂: 养殖池设饵料台,台面高出水面少许。投喂饲料,以自然饵料为好,主要有浮游生物类、虫类、肉类及鱼类、贝类等。每天迟早各投饵一次,时间为凌晨7:30前及晚上10:30前为好。在投饵料时应先清算掉上次的残饵。投喂量为体重的5-10%。当水温在16-23℃时应加大投饵量,次数及时间可保持不变。 7.日常管理。 大鲵的日常治理简略,但很重要。投饵时保持三定:定时、定点、定量。懂得大鲵的生态习性很主要,大鲵喜静怕吵,喜净水怕浑水,喜昏暗怕强光,养殖中要尽量照料它的这些习惯。另外,定时对鲵体及养殖池消毒防病,注意水温变更,夏季节制水温不超过26℃,以防“夏眠”,冬季防止水温低于结冰温度。 8、病害防治 大鲵在人工养殖环境中,因为环境、饵料、密度等影响,人工养殖大鲵比野外大鲵发病率、死亡率高出多少十倍以上,要进步养殖大鲵成活率必须在增强日常管理的条件下,重视预防为主,方能保证大鲵养殖成功出功效。 烂尾病防治 一、大鲵烂尾病产生的起因 (一)水质的影响 大鲵常生长在有流水的深山溪流之中,水质新爽快乐,无污染。而人工养殖大鲵的水质轻易被污染,被污染的水体中常繁殖着大量病原微生物,当大鲵机体受到创伤时,这些病原微生物乘虚而入,引发病变。 (二)环境条件的影响 因为人工建造的养鲵场,难以到达野生天然环境条件,特别是新建的养鲵池池壁(底)较为毛糙,易使大鲵肌肤擦伤,当大鲵匍匐活动时,因尾部不停地摆动,更易受损。 (三)放养规格大小悬殊的影响 普通来说人工放养大鲵的密度比拟大,如规格大小相差迥异,饵料缺乏时,常为争食而发生搏斗,个体小的争食能力较弱,常遭遇大个体的攻打跟撕咬,其尾部又常是受攻击的对象。 (四)饵料营养不良的影响 大鲵属肉食性两栖动物,常以动物性饵料为主食,当所投喂的饵料适口性较差,又缺少必须的营养成份,尤其是动物蛋白质及某些微量元素,如锌、铁、钙、微生素等,会诱发大鲵彼此之间的残杀。 二、大鲵烂尾病症状 大鲵患此病初期,尾柄基部至尾部末端常呈现红色小点或红色雀斑状,四周组织充血发炎,表皮略呈灰白色,当病期过长,构成疮样病灶,病灶处常粘附大批病原菌及杂物,重大时病灶部位涌现肌肉坏死,尾部骨骼外露,病鲵食欲减退或结束进食,运动能力显著削弱,尾部摆动无力,未几便会逝世亡。 三、防备方法 (一)营造舒服的环境前提 在建筑养鲵场时应斟酌到光照,排注水管、饵料台、栖身陆地等设施。由于大鲵存在喜茕居怕光照的特征,池内可用砖头砌成多个人工洞道,洞口直径12~20cm,洞内较宽阔,洞壁尽可能做得光滑,养鲵池建成后不能即时放养鲵种,由于新水泥池有较强的碱性,而大鲵适宜的pH值为6~7。 可将新建成的水泥池注满水,持续浸泡2~3天,再放干,并反复数次,使池水pH值濒临中性及池壁、洞壁粘上一层光滑的附着物时,再投放鲵种。 (二)消毒处理 鲵种放养前利用1%浓度的龙胆紫药水作消毒处置,其办法是药与水的比为1∶100兑好后,将鲵种浸洗20分钟,龙胆紫药水对大鲵皮肤刺激小,可有效地预防真菌和细菌的体表感染。 (三)把持水质与水温 养鲵池水质要保持清爽,无传染,尽可能地运用溪水或清泉水。并做到定期调换池水,条件容许时,养鲵池可保持有长年流水。大鲵相宜生长水温为14℃~28℃,燥热夏季,改换池水显得更为重要。 (四)放养个体规格整洁 现阶段的鲵种来源,均由人工滋生,个体规格基础一致,但经由一段时光的豢养,个体大小差异越来越显明。这时应进行筛选,分级分池饲养,可防止以大欺少,以强欺弱的景象发生。 (五)投喂优质饵料 大鲵饵料应富含蛋白质及微量元素等养分成份,如鲜活水鱼虾、动物内脏、动物血液、下脚料等是大鲵的好饵料。投喂饵料时保持“定时、定位、定质、定量”的迷信投喂方法,切忌将动物内脏、血块、下脚料等直接投入水中,否则,易造成对水体的污染,既要防止饵料挥霍,又要6fabalienate7ed6a2aa5d6621540ffefe5c2e局部个体吃不到或吃不好。 四、医治方式 (一)当发明大鲵患烂尾病时,应及时将病鲵隔离饲养,如不离开饲养而后患无限,有可能殃及整个养鲵场。一是病原体在池水中一直扩散,沾染其他个体;二是健康个体随时都可吸吮病鲵患处的血液,以致病鲵病情更加严峻,并将病原体沾染给健康个体。 (二)用强氯精0.3~0.4ppm浓度或二氧化氯0.2~0.3ppm浓度全池泼洒(包含栖息海洋、饵料台等)每天一次,连用3~4天为一疗程。 (三)对病情较重的大鲵,先用15~25ppm浓度高锰酸钾或0.3~0.5ppm孔雀石绿溶液浸洗病鲵15~20分钟,并彻底荡涤创伤名义的附着物,随后用消治龙软膏或硫磺软膏等消炎药物涂敷患处,天天一次,4~7天可治愈。 (四)用氯霉素2~3g十卡那原粉2g+Vc2g+Ve2g+Vb2g(每公斤体重用药量),将上述药物平均拌入饵料中投喂,连用3~4天。娃娃鱼:一种特点小吃 娃娃鱼是淮海地域的一种特色小吃,不是鱼类,而是用淀粉做成的像鱼形的小块,因外形像鱼又引人爱好,所以被称作娃娃鱼。 做法:在锅中加水,烧热,调入水的一半量的淀粉,边加热边搅拌,待烧开后将浓稠的糊状淀粉倒入有很多小洞的容器上,边倒边使劲地挤压,使小块的淀粉掉到容器内的冷开水中。糊状的淀粉掉到水中,很快便凝固成半透明状的娃娃鱼了。将冷却了的娃娃鱼盛入碗中,加入黄澄澄的香油,绿油油的香菜,白花花的蒜泥,脆生生的油炸花生米,一碗色香味俱佳的厚味小吃便做成了。在寒冬,娃娃鱼中参加刚榨好的辣椒油,吃起来浑身冒汗,驱寒后果明显;在酷暑,一碗冰镇的娃娃鱼更是能带给人们一身的凉快。 风行区域:苏鲁豫皖接壤处。 词条图册更多图册 参考材料 1
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形态特征生活习性分布范围生长繁殖种群现状保护级别保护价值养殖技术娃娃鱼:一种特色小吃 形态特征 有尾目中最大的一种,在两栖动物中要数它体形最大,全长可达1米及以上,体重最重的可超百斤,而形状有点相似蜥蜴,只是比拟之下更肥壮扁平。最近科学家研究:大鲵小时候用的是鳃呼吸,长大后用肺呼吸。大鲵栖息于山区的溪流之中,在水质明澈、含沙量不大,水流湍急,并且要有回流水的洞穴中生活。大鲵头部扁平、钝圆,口大,眼不发达,无眼睑。身体前部扁平,至尾部逐步转为侧扁。体两侧有明显的肤褶,四肢短扁,指、趾前四后五,具微蹼。尾圆形,尾高低有鳍状物。大鲵的体色可随不同的环境而变化,但一般多呈灰褐色。体表光滑无鳞,但有各种斑纹,充满粘液。身材腹面色彩浅淡。英文:a giant salamander。生活习性 大鲵生性凶悍,肉食性,以水生昆虫、鱼、蟹、虾、蛙、蛇、鳖、鼠、鸟等为食,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]。捕食方法为“刻舟求剑”。大鲵一般都匿居在山溪的石隙间,洞穴位于水面以下。夜间静守在滩口石堆中,一旦发现猎物经过期,便进行忽然袭击,因它口中的牙齿又尖又密,猎物进进口内后很难逃掉。它的牙齿不能咀嚼,只是张口将食品囫囵吞下,然后在胃中缓缓消化。娃娃鱼有很强的耐饥本事,饲养在清凉的水中二、三年不进食也不会饿死。它同时也能暴食,饱餐一顿可增添体重的五分之一。食物缺乏时,还会出现同类相残的现象,甚至以卵充饥。散布范围 中国大鲵除新疆、西藏、内蒙、吉林、台湾未见报道外,其余省区都有分布,主要产于长江、黄
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中文学名: 大鲵 拉丁大名: Andrias dardentianus 别称: 娃娃鱼,人鱼,孩儿鱼,狗鱼,鳕鱼,脚鱼,啼鱼,腊狗 界: 动物界 门: 脊索动物门 CHORabstracts 亚门: 脊椎动物亚门 Vertebrata 纲: 两栖纲 Amphibia 目: 有尾目 Caudata 亚目: 隐鳃鲵亚目 Cryptoannexoabstraction 科: 隐鳃鲵科 Cryptobrachidae 属: 大鲵属 Andrias
濒危等级 :濒危 保护措施 :人工饲养,人工繁殖,国家级等级,已有保护区。保护价值 大鲵的心脏结构特别,已经出现了一些爬行类的特征,拥有重要的研讨价值。 中国大鲵是二类保护动物,其经济价值高,在美食、保健、医药、欣赏等方面均具有普遍开发应用的远景,因此颇受社会各界关注。 大鲵是一种传统的宝贵药用动物。古代临床察看发现,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych],大鲵具备滋阴补肾、补血行气的功能,对贫血、霍乱、疟疾等有显着疗效。同时,大鲵也是一种食用价值极高的经济动物,其肉质细嫩、风味奇特、营养价值极高,其肉蛋白中含有17种氨基酸,其中有8种是人体必需的氨基酸。养殖技巧 1、大鲵养殖池的设计建造 做作界大鲵生涯在海拔300~800m的山区溪流中,有喜阴怕风、喜静怕惊、喜洁怕脏的特色,人工建造大鲵养殖池最好应仿照大鲵天然界的生活状况等来进行。 1.1养殖场址的抉择要求 1.1.1水资源要求 根据我所多年采水样剖析成果表明,大鲵养殖对水的总体要求是:水源充分,无毒无害,合乎渔业用水标准。详细在水源上,以山区溪流水、水库水、地下水等清、凉、活水为好,能做到排灌自如;在水温上,应严厉掌握在0~28℃以内,以10~22℃为好;在水质上,要求溶氧丰硕,在3.5mg/L以上,PH值在6.5~7.5。水中的总硬度和总碱度及氯化物、硫酸盐、硅酸盐、氨态氮等都不能超过渔业用水尺度。 1.1.2环境要求 养殖池周围要求环境宁静、阴凉、空气清爽,以附近群山围绕、树木旺盛、人烟稀疏、环境绝对独立为好,另外,要求交通方便,当地鱼虾蟹或动物内脏等饵料资源丰盛。 1.2养殖场的设计建造 大鲵生长有明显的阶段性,并有失常过程,人工养殖大鲵其养殖池须分阶段
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Dołączył: 26 Sty 2011
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Skąd: England Płeć: Kobieta
Wysłany: Wto 7:15, 08 Lut 2011 Temat postu: |
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Zhenjiang News Netplan - News - Text
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Dołączył: 23 Lut 2011
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Skąd: England Płeć: Kobieta
Wysłany: Pią 5:11, 04 Mar 2011 Temat postu: |
III Telephone English: Order of goods and asked ,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]
1. I'd like to place an order for your party dress from your catalog.
2. May I order some flowers?
3. How can I pay for this item?
4. I'd like to buy the car on your TV commercial.
5. Please send me your catalogue.
6 . Do you have any Life Menu Magazine tenth stock?
7. How long will it arrive?
8. The Product you sent to me is not what I ordered.
9. I'm calling about an order I placed a month ago. It hasn't arrived yet.
1. I'd like to dress on your catalog.
2. I order some flowers?
3. how do I pay?
4. I want to buy your TV commercial on the car.
5. Please send catalog to me.
6. You Tenth
7. How long will it arrive?
8. your product is not sent what I ordered.
9. I called a month ago I ordered. Products up to now has not arrived yet.
1. I'm calling is also very popular in the domestic order, even in a foreign country you can order the product catalog. However,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], we must first note before calling the type and size of goods to save talk time.
2. commercial with (TV,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], radio) for commercial meaning, can also be described as commercial film, referred to as cf. The advertisement refers to (the plane) ads, referred to as ad; advertisement mail is spam; advertisement column is the advertising field, these are commonly used to.
3. place a meaning out of order. ie: to place an order with sb. (to place an order)
II Telephone English: Car
1. I'd like to reserve a car for next Monday. I would like to book a car on Monday.
2. How much do you charge for renting a car? rent a car cost?
3. I'd like to keep the car for one more day. I want one more day.
a telephone in English: Book flight
1. I'd like to make a reservation for a flight from New York to Boston on Nov.28th.
2. Could I get my seat assignment?
3. I'd like a window seat.
4. I'd like in the non-smoking section.
5. I prefer to sit by the window.
6. Do you have a seat on the flight after that?
Translation Translation & Analysis:
1. I want to reserve November 28 from New York to Boston flight.
2. I can seat assignment?
3. I want a window seat.
4. I want to smoke-free seats.
5. I would like to sit by the window.
6. the next flight a seat anyway?
1. window seat is a window seat,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], aisle seat is an aisle seat
2. one-way ticket one-way ticket round-trip ticket is a two-way ticket
3. the three level seats for the: first class first class; business class business class; economy class economy class of other common questions
1. What's the department time? off time is When?
2. What time is the flight scheduled to leave today? that flight take?
3. What's the check-in time? when to start to register?
4. How long does the flight take? How long to fly?
5. Is this ticket refundable? This ticket refundable?
Telephone English Series: Order Goods and scheduled flight _ _ Business English Online English Reading
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although we can not know what our future is.
we can create it.
fight for our dreams,and create a future which we want.
there is no more time,we must try our best to cherish it.
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Dobry gracz
Dołączył: 17 Lut 2011
Posty: 99
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Skąd: England Płeć: Kobieta
Wysłany: Nie 2:05, 13 Mar 2011 Temat postu: |
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If a nation is not pay great attention to the talents cultivation, that is no future.
That is our basic education development, the children's smiling face skirt4. "
2. comments please carefully, put an end to advertising and personal attacks!
Perhaps, you think of electricity insignificant; perhaps, what do you think a drop of water hanging about teeth? Perhaps you will say: the factory is the culprit of environmental pollution, governance is the duty of government departments. As for the However, environmental protection,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], focusing on the participation of all, every day savings. For example, the event, the Global Earth Hour, a short period of 3600 seconds, we can save much energy? How much carbon dioxide emissions from power plants can be less? ,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]! Water conservation, waste recycling, the use of CFC-free refrigerators, air conditioning ... ... a lot less time, in our daily lives, , over time was able to benefit future generations.
Second, the
2010 年 March 27 evening 8:30 to 9:30, the proposed global WWF Earth Hour, to the whole world Climate Change More than 6,000 cities worldwide, more than 10 million people participate in government, business and community to actively participate, so that the
surely you have seen this picture: There are just squatting on a piece of floating ice the polar bear, and is surrounded by a vast expanse of water - too much carbon dioxide emissions, global warming, the Arctic glaciers melted. The poor polar bears may look around at a loss, it does not know who prompted this catastrophe, then, when we humans face this one after another of the Who is the culprit in this series of disasters it? After shocking, we ask ourselves, which is ! You can say: polar bear. When you are faced with devastation and tears, you have no food for thought before, we will go from here?
Turn off the lights for one hour, the interval of darkness, on the environment, on Earth, what you think? Listing the recent flood of disaster - Indonesia, tsunami, earthquake, Haiti, drought in Yunnan Province ... ... If the movie daily living is still very far away; Well, this disaster after another in the blood and tears, you can call it a fairy tale it? ! Recently, the people most worried the topic should be of Yunnan drought disaster,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], right? All along, the climate is typical of southern flood northern drought, when residents of the south to enjoy the warm southern fame when, at which they had expected, Today, we can not hear the natural sound the alarm bell, perhaps, tomorrow we hear is our own human whine!
2010 年 3 27, the global turn off the lights for one hour. Think of a childhood nursery rhyme: With a planet, the same home. Fengyun diameter of more than twelve thousand kilometers of the planet, Miao Miao universe, drop in the ocean, but selflessly million years of human nourishment. Crow is still known feeding, and as a senior primate of us? If human beings as children of the earth than the lack of an exaggeration, childish off day nonsense. However, she is our mother ah! She has been unbearable load, out of breath. If not suddenly wake up I'm afraid the gang Children, the grown up. From now on, starting from the side, always everything - and the world together, we act together.
text / Prostitute tea
The main thrust of the global environmental protection activities is: Let people know the global community the threat posed by climate change,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], awareness of personal and corporate action will give a little living environment of their profound impact on how - small change may be achieved tremendous impact. Pollution Without Borders, environmental protection, regardless of you and me. More than 6,000 cities worldwide, more than 10 million people,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], all over the country, the same planet, with a blue sky. Carbon atmosphere, harmonious world - this is not an impossible dream. Pollution is cumulative, environmental protection is also meager. Think of an old-fashioned lyrics: As long as everyone give a love, the world will become a better tomorrow. So, as long as we are all saving of electricity, the Earth will have a better tomorrow.
Text emotional communication groups: tea and listen on floor, to welcome you to join us!
3 月 29 日 finalized in Hanzhong
group number: 102716809
PS 1. This original, declined copied, reprinted, please advise!
Earth on your side,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], green on your hands. Treasure and protect their homes. Today, you
First, the
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